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As the coronavirus pandemic spreads across India, social organisations are actively spreading awareness of this disease among the lesser-privileged sectors who have very restricted access to reliable information about and prevention of the virus infection.
With a coronavirus spreading throughout the world, India is fighting for an impact on public health and the economy.
What is Coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which cause animal disease. Seven have made the jump to humans, including the new virus, which still cause symptoms like colds.
Many of those who were initially infected either worked or shopped regularly in the Huanan seafood wholesale market in downtown Wuhan, China.
Unusually for coronavirus that has made the jump from one species to another, it appears to transmit effectively in humans – current calculations show that without strong containment methods, the average individual who catches Covid-19 will transmit it on to two others. It also appears that the virus has a higher mortality rate than typical illnesses like seasonal flu.
The combination of the potential of coronavirus to spread and cause serious illness has caused several countries, including the United Kingdom, to implement or prepare comprehensive public health programs intended to control and reduce the effects of the epidemic.
How To Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus
Your first line of defence is preventive measures. Practice good hygiene and make these CDC guidelines part of your routine is the best way to protect yourself from COVID 19.
We have a short window of time to accept Social Distancing and prevent virus spread. We may not be able to enforce full lockdowns like China, but we should take several common-sense measures like:
- Avoid any travel, whether international or domestic, air, bus or train. Travelling on long distances is the main contributor to the spread of disease.
- Avoid any areas where large numbers of people are located in a small region. This includes schools, gyms, malls, open-air markets, bars, theatres, churches, other religious sites, swimming pools, etc.
- Work from home. If you’re working in an office or a warehouse, your co-workers are at risk of being infected or contaminated.
- If you have to show up for work, keep your colleagues at a distance of 6 feet, skip the canteen and cancel all meetings with outside. Don’t meet in groups of over 10.
- Skip all conventions, sporting activities, melas, rallies, cricket matches as this prevents an outbreak happening at the highest chance.
Because patients with Covid-19 can infect other patients, they should not be treated at a general hospital. Each state government needs to transform a non-commissioned hospital or the defunct medical college hospital as Covid hospital for inpatient and ambulatory care. Private hospitals in Karnataka have provided these speciality hospitals to their physicians, nurses ‘ facilities and supplies.
Recently, India announced third death when the cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus affected 162, with new 18 cases from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi / NCR, and Jammu and Kashmir not included in the latest update of 151 cases published by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on the evening of 18 March.
At a time when the entire world is trying to fight an unknown virus, experts have said that every part of society, including organizations and businesses, will take all the appropriate steps to tackle the spreading virus even at the cost of disruption.
As the saying goes: prevention is better than thecure.
Taking steps towards preventing the spread of coronavirus in Pune, Nelda is committed to everyone’s safety and all our team is on standby throughout the year to help Punekars to fight this pandemic. All you need to do to avail this service is to contact us on our phone number. We’re here to help.