India is enriched with a few NGOs which are dedicated to helping different sections of the society. Here we have tried to curate a list of some of them who are doing exceptional work and social service for the nation.

This list is neither exhaustive nor based on any rankings.

1. PRS Legislative Research

PRS is an NGO whose aim is to deepen and widen the legislative process by providing Members of Parliament with the required data and analysis for parliament debates and deliberations in the committee meetings. They carry out this task by synthesising the feedback from different stakeholders and provide it to the MPs in the form of comprehensive information on any issue. The goal behind their work is to broaden the knowledge base and expertise in the government, citizen’s groups, and other research institutions.

2. Save Life Foundation

The Save Life Foundation is dedicated to managing bystander care or community-driven emergency medical response to take care of road accident victims. This NGO has trained more than 3000 police personnel in the Delhi, UP, and Maharashtra for trauma care from road accidents. They have also worked on curating supportive legal framework for bystanders to help the patients of road accidents. This non-governmental organization is undertaking the much-needed act of nurturing the kindness.

3. CGNet Swara

This is a voice portal which enables ordinary citizens to report and discuss the subjects of local interest. They have a mobile number, and the callers are prompted to press ‘1’ and record a new message, further, they press ‘2’ to listen to messages which have already been recorded. When the signal is recorded, it is sent for review and verified and then approved. The approved ones are made available for playback on the phone. One can also access the reports from the CGNet Swara website.


MARG- Multiple Actions Research Group works for the legal empowerment of the vulnerable and the marginalised sections of the society. The sections include women, children, disables, Dalits, etc. MARG aims to bring in legal awareness and enhance the capacity of policy development.

5. Chetna

The Childhood Enhancement through Training and Action (CHETNA) is a non-governmental foundation which works towards the empowerment of street and working kids through a participatory approach. These kids are given a chance to develop a keen understanding of their situations, rights, and opportunities. It also provides education, counselling, conducts recreational activities and much more to serve their purpose.

6. Breakthrough

It is an initiative which primarily focuses on human rights activities. They plan innovative strategies which are customised for every issue which the country witnesses. They also aim to engage youth participation without merely relying on the documentation and conventional rallies. They engage in partnerships, come up with mass actions, check the impact and share the lessons with stakeholders to take further measures. They also train leaders and use media, culture, art and technology to reach the mass audiences.

7. Jagori

Jagori is an organisation which undertakes training, documentation, grassroots action research, advocacy and campaigning along with stakeholders like women and their partners, civil society representatives, and other institutional actors. It works for building awareness against violence, health, education, development, and tries to build collective empowerment. It creates and distributes creative material and concerns to meet the needs of women.

At Nelda, we salute all these non-governmental organisations which are working towards the betterment of the nation. Taking inspiration from them, we have also dedicated ourselves to making this country green through more and more plantations. To know more about our mission, explore our website!

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