Here’s What Project Nelda Means To Us: The Story Behind The Action

By now, you’re probably familiar with what Project Nelda is planning on doing over the next 25 years, and you may have looked into what we’ve done so far. We’re so happy to see you’re taking an interest!

But you may be curious as to what has led us to this point and what inspired us to start the Project Nelda.

Here’s what Project Nelda means to us, and the story behind the action.

Why do something good?

Since 2014, we’ve been working here at Deshpee Group on multiple projects and sub companies including Socinova, Floma and Trigacy Digital. But despite our success in our online endeavours, we felt indebted to the world around us.

As a thank you for blessing us with the success of our brands, we wanted to return the love to the community and our environment.

We considered the threats around us and settled on the most prominent as ‘uncontrolled urbanisation’. India is now home to a billion people and continuing to grow, causing humans to exploit the earth for resources. The result? Deforestation and damage to our Earth.

Armed with the time, resources and willingness to make a change, we at Project Nelda want to do something to help.

How we set Project Nelda into motion.

The idea for Project Nelda was coined by the Deshpee Group as we were selecting our annual Corporate Social Responsibility activity. We decided it was time to start a non-profit organisation, and that’s how Project Nelda was born.

Prior to the project beginning, the founding members of Project Nelda visited other plantation campaigns around the Pune area of India to learn the ropes and develop their own approach to planting trees. And the rest is history!

We want to inspire others.

Our project is also inspired by the value and importance we place on inspiring others – something we have made it our goal to do as our project continues. This has led us to plan:

  • Weekly and biweekly plantation events across Maharashtra that will allow all kinds of people to get involved with our goal of planting one billion trees.
  • Offerings of donations and financial assistance to other causes with goals that align with our own.
  • Increase awareness by running education campaigns in rural and urban areas – encouraging others to plant trees.
  • Government collaboration to add Project Nelda to the government programmes of tree plantation.
  • A not-for-profit supplier chain of green products and raw materials that we can use in our tree planting journey.

Finally, to show just how much Project Nelda means to us, we will be donating 25% of all Deshpee Group’s profits to our cause, helping us evolve and reach our goals.

These are all reasons that have led to the creation of Project Nelda, and they inspire us every day to keep up the good work towards our positive project.

So, now you’ve learnt a little more about the story behind Project Nelda, you can go on and keep up to date with our inspiration in mind. Don’t forget to check back soon and stay up to date with our latest news and endeavours!

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